Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Up and Ready in 10 Minutes Flat

My daddy loved to go out for breakfast. I think it's a habit he got into while working the night shift. It gave him a chance to wind down before going to bed. He was a breakfast regular at McDonald's and Burger King. The same group of old men would always be there. My dad would have eaten out every day if he could. When I was in school he would come in from work and wake me up earlier than usual and say "If you can get ready fast enough, we will go to breakfast. Then I'll take you to school." Of course I was up and ready in 10 minutes flat. And there we would go in his little red Ford pick-up that he loved to drive so much. He was content with a cup of coffee and a buttered biscuit. Occasionally he would splurge on the "Hot Cakes" at McDonald's but he was very frugal so that was rare. I remember when he first introduced me to Burger Kings "French Toast Sticks" on one of those pre-school breakfast outings. Years later after an on going seizure disorder and several mini-strokes, the doctor stripped him of his driving privileges and he was forced to retire. I loved those early morning breakfast trips so much it became my turn to take him out. "Daddy? If you can get ready fast enough we will go to breakfast before I have to go to work?" and he was up and ready in 10 minutes flat.

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